أخبار الآن | كندا – CNN

بات منزل عرضته جامعة كندية يحمل لقب “أصغر بيت في العالم”، إذ أن طوله يبلغ 10 ميكرومترات فقط وعرضه 6 ميكرومترات، وهو أصغر من بيت منمنم مشابه أنجز العام الماضي في مختبر “فيمتو-سانت” الفرنسي في بوزانسون.

وجرى تصميم هذا المنزل على شكل كعك الزنجبيل الذي يعد في فترة عيد الميلاد، وصُنع من السيليكون بواسطة شعاع أيوني تحت مجهر إلكتروني. ووُضع المنزل على رأس رجل ثلج، وصور إلى جانب شعرة من رأس إنسان تشبه كثيراً جذع شجرة تحت المجهر.

This image released on December 18, 2019, by the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, show the tiniest gingerbread house on top of a snowman. - Rather than going big with holiday decorations this Christmas, a Canadian microscopy researcher unveiled on Wednesday his creation of a gingerbread house believed to be the smallest of its kind in the world. About half the size of one made in France last year, it was cut and etched from silicon, complete with sharply defined bricks and trim, and a Canada flag for a welcome mat. McMaster University researcher Travis Casagrande said he used a beam of charged gallium ions that acted like a sandblaster. Images provided by the school's Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy showed the house sitting atop a cap on the head of tiny winking snowman made from materials used in lithium-ion battery research. (Photo by Travis Casagrande / McMaster University / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / McMaster University / Travis Casagrande" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

(Photo by Travis Casagrande / McMaster University / AFP) /

وتظهر صور رائعة نشرها المركز الكندي للإجهارية الإلكترونية بيتاً فيه تفاصيل لا متناهية لا سيما قرميد الموقدة وإطارات النوافذ وممسحة أرجل على شكل العلم الكندي.

وفي السياق، أوضح الباحث المسؤول عن المشروع، ترافيس كازاغراندي أن “الهدف من ذلك إظهار قدرات مركز الأبحاث على تحفيز الفضول العلمي لدى الرأي العام”.

This image released on December 18, 2019, by the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, show the tiniest gingerbread house on top of a snowman. - Rather than going big with holiday decorations this Christmas, a Canadian microscopy researcher unveiled on Wednesday his creation of a gingerbread house believed to be the smallest of its kind in the world. About half the size of one made in France last year, it was cut and etched from silicon, complete with sharply defined bricks and trim, and a Canada flag for a welcome mat. McMaster University researcher Travis Casagrande said he used a beam of charged gallium ions that acted like a sandblaster. Images provided by the school's Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy showed the house sitting atop a cap on the head of tiny winking snowman made from materials used in lithium-ion battery research. (Photo by Travis Casagrande / McMaster University / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / McMaster University / Travis Casagrande" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

(Photo by Travis Casagrande / McMaster University / AFP) /

الجدير ذكره أن المركز مجهز بـ6 مجاهر إلكترونية وتجهيزات أخرى مستخدمة بشكل أساسي لأغراض البحث.

This image released on December 18, 2019, by the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, show the tiniest gingerbread house on top of a snowman (C) with a human hair at right. - Rather than going big with holiday decorations this Christmas, a Canadian microscopy researcher unveiled on Wednesday his creation of a gingerbread house believed to be the smallest of its kind in the world. About half the size of one made in France last year, it was cut and etched from silicon, complete with sharply defined bricks and trim, and a Canada flag for a welcome mat. McMaster University researcher Travis Casagrande said he used a beam of charged gallium ions that acted like a sandblaster. Images provided by the school's Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy showed the house sitting atop a cap on the head of tiny winking snowman made from materials used in lithium-ion battery research. (Photo by Travis Casagrande / McMaster University / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / McMaster University / Travis Casagrande" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

(Photo by Travis Casagrande / McMaster University / AFP) /

مصدر الصور: afp


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