هذه الأزمة تفجرت غداة قيام مجموعه  من مصابي الثورة التي أطاحت بمعمر القذافي العام الماضي بالتظاهر أمام شركة الزاويه لتكرير النفط  ولم يسمحوا للموظفين بدخول الشركة ولم يسمحوا بمغادرة شاحنات التموين لذلك قررت الشركه ايقاف التشغيل بسبب الاوضاع الامنيه و قد نتج عن ذلك خسائر تقدر بالملاين حيث تنتج الشركه  120000 برميل يوميا و الجدير بالذكر ان هؤلاء الجرحى لم يتلقوا تعويضات كافية ويشعرون أن الحكومة لم تعطهم حقوقهم كاملة ونستمع لأراء بعض المتضررين من المواطنين جراء انقطاع الوقود

This crisis started after a group of injured rebels during the revolution who fought against Gaddafi protested in front of Al Zawyia oil refinery and did not let employees to enter the company, they also did not allow the truck to leave. The company decided to stop its work because of the security situation. This led to millions of loses were the company produces 120000 barrels daily. It is worth mentioning that these injured rebels did not receive adequate compensations and they feel that the government did not give them their full rights. We are listening to some opinions from Libyans affected by the fuel crisis.


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About 20 people protested in front of fuel company and complicated everything for hundreds of people, look at these people.



We call the government to solve this problem. All this month we are suffering from traffic on gas stations.



The officials are not doing anything regarding this matter. They must solve people’s issues and stop chaos. These officials must see what the protestors need. They came to serve people and they must see what the Libyan citizen wants.



The issue is that a group of injured rebels are making a protest. We hope that this issue will be solved soon. The injured will be treated soon.