صديقة ملالا التي كانت معها وقت الهجوم, تضررت أيضاً, وهي الآن تتماثل للشفاء وتحضر للعودة للمدرسة .كما وجهت هذه الرسالة إلى ملالا بمناسبة جعل العاشر من نوفمبر يوم ملالا .

Exclusive clip sent by Alaan TV reporter in Pakistan Haitham Nasser.


Malala’s friend Kianat who was with her during the attack was injured too, and now she is on her way to recovery and planing to go back to school. She sends this message to Malala in the occasion of officially making the 10th of november a day for Malala.


Kianat – Malala’s friend


t’s a big day and honour for Pakistan and all of us that November 10  has been named as Malala Day. I am very pleased that Malala is safe and sound now and is recovering though slowly but it’s a day of real jubilation for us that Malala has been honored in this way for her courageous stance. We all are very happy. This day is also a message for the parents of other girls that they should focus on the education of their girl children who are not going to schools and wasting their time at home.

Inshallah I shall start going to school when my temperature gets better and when I am better will attend my classes. I and my friends will get education and would take forward Malala’s mission of ensuring education rights for all girls and will achieve our goal. I shall try my best to fulfill my and my parents desire of becoming doctor and Inshallah I shall try t o become my country’s pride through education.