أخبار الآن | العراق – thejakartapost

عندما تسمع عزف ماجد عبدالنور تعتقد أنه يستخدم العود التقليدي لكن عند تفحص الآلة التي بين يديه، تظهر أنها بندقية كلاشينكوف.
وفي التفاصيل، يقر عبدالنور بأنه امتلك سلاحا في منزله “لحماية نفسه” خلال أسوأ سنوات العنف التي شهدها العراق بين 2006 و2008، ويقول وهو يمرر أصابعه على أوتار عوده الحربي: “لقد قلت لنفسي: لماذا الحرب؟ لماذا العنف؟ سأحوّل كل هذا إلى موسيقى”، وعندما أحضر بندقية الكلاشنيكوف وصندوق ذخيرتها إلى أحد الحدادين، قال له هذا الأخير “ماذا تريد أن تفعل به؟”، “فأجبته: لا تطرح الأسئلة، فقط نفّذ الأمر”، ويضيف قبل أن يستأنف العزف: “أنا متأكد من أنه اعتقد أنني مجنون”.

Iraqi musician Majed Abdennour plays a custom-built lute made from a Kalashnikov assault rifle and an ammunition box, at his home in the capital Baghdad's southwestern al-Bayaa neighborhood, on August 9, 2019. - The teacher who is currently in his fifties, had the weapon at home "to protect himself" during the worst years of denominational violence between 2006 to 2008, when militias and extremist Islamists were making the law in the Iraqi capital. Afterwards, he had it brought to a metalworker to be transformed into a musical instrument. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP)


Iraqi musician Majed Abdennour speaks as he sits on a sofa behind a custom-built lute made from a Kalashnikov assault rifle and an ammunition box, at his home in the capital Baghdad's southwestern al-Bayaa neighborhood, on August 9, 2019. - The teacher who is currently in his fifties, had a Kalashnikov rifle at home "to protect himself" during the worst years of denominational violence between 2006 to 2008, when militias and extremist Islamists were making the law in the Iraqi capital. Afterwards, he had it brought to a metalworker to be transformed into a musical instrument. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP)


وقد تعرض هذا الموسيقي الخمسيني الذي يعمل مدرسا لإعالة أسرته في بغداد، لما يكفي من العنف، ويتذكر عبدالنور الذي خسر العديد من أقاربه وأصدقائه في اعتداءات مختلفة “فجأة بدا الأمر كما لو أن كل الروابط التي نسجناها لم تعد مهمة، فقد أصبح العراق ساحة معركة ضخمة، وكانت الحرب مستعرة في كل مكان”.

Iraqi musician Majed Abdennour plays a custom-built lute made from a Kalashnikov assault rifle and an ammunition box, at his home in the capital Baghdad's southwestern al-Bayaa neighborhood, on August 9, 2019. - The teacher who is currently in his fifties, had the weapon at home "to protect himself" during the worst years of denominational violence between 2006 to 2008, when militias and extremist Islamists were making the law in the Iraqi capital. Afterwards, he had it brought to a metalworker to be transformed into a musical instrument. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP)


Iraqi musician Majed Abdennour sits on a sofa behind a custom-built lute made from a Kalashnikov assault rifle and an ammunition box, at his home in the capital Baghdad's southwestern al-Bayaa neighborhood, on August 9, 2019. - The teacher who is currently in his fifties, had a Kalashnikov rifle at home "to protect himself" during the worst years of denominational violence between 2006 to 2008, when militias and extremist Islamists were making the law in the Iraqi capital. Afterwards, he had it brought to a metalworker to be transformed into a musical instrument. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP)


مصدر الصورة: AFP


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